A while back, I threatened to close Scott’s Radio Site due to the increase amounting of networking and reduction of local content on local radio stations. At that point I decided to focus my efforts on the remaining independent, community, and BBC radio stations. Unfortunately, with UKRD, Celador Radio, Lincs FM Group, and Wireless group…Read moreRead more
Website Updates
Winding Down of Scott’s Radio Site
Scott’s Radio Site is Here Stay
Scott’s Radio Site is here to stay, but will be undergoing some changes. Following the recent domination of the commercial market by Bauer and Global, the website will switch focus to become a platform to promote radio services by the BBC, community organisations, and the remaining independents. All stations run by Bauer and Global will…Read moreRead more
Website Under Review
Following the announcement that Bauer Media have acquired yet more local radio stations form Wireless Group, I’m now considering the future of Scott’s Radio Site. Local radio is something that I have been proud to support, and something which I can effectively no longer support. Ultimately, Scott’s Radio Site may close completely, if I feel…Read moreRead more
RadioToday Removed from Links Page
It is with regret that I have made the editorial decision to remove the link to the RadioToday UK website from the Useful Links page of Scott’s Radio Site. A number of factors have meant that RadioToday UK and Scott’s Radio Site are no longer compatible with each other. A few of you may remember…Read moreRead more
Website Structure Changes
The structure of Scott’s Radio Site will be changing shortly. This is part of the expansion of the website, which will include the Republic of Ireland for the first time. Changes will include: introducing of radio stations based in the Republic of Ireland disbanding the ‘Radio In Malta’ section – the information will still be…Read moreRead more
Website Changes
Following a review of news provision on this website, I have now decided to change the way news is provided. As there has been a number of very short posts, plus a lack of news worthy stories in recent weeks, I have decided to produce weekly or fortnightly news round ups instead. This will help…Read moreRead more
Dispute with Radio Today UK
If you follow Scott’s Radio Site on Facebook and twitter, you may be aware of the dispute that has arisen with the website Radio Today UK. This stems from Radio Today (main UK twitter account) blocking the accounts of Scott’s Radio Site and its author. I would like to make it clear that I can…Read moreRead more
New Logo for Scott’s Radio Site
You may have noticed a new logo for the website. I have tried to match the colours in the logo to the theme colours for the website. This logo is currently on trial. Feel free to let me know your thoughts by emailing scott@scottsradiosite.co.uk, or via the twitter or Facebook pages. Once the new logo…Read moreRead more